"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Stuff what I done painted.

My work from Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday I managed to paint with no white paint, I think I did alot more people-watching than actual painting today. Not really sure if I like these or not, other people do, maybe? I've been headphoned all day so I can't really hear what people say.

The idea is I have a limited colour palette. As for the subject its supposed to be people who have been injured in the middle east. Then tomorrow I make them sci-fi and hopefully cool and good. Create a final piece and then display my 15+ pieces is a rather small space.

During my boredom on Monday I recieved a phonecall from this fellow named Jonny who needed to spray paint stuff, I having the power to do so gave him permission to do it n our floor and so we spraypainted 30ish balloons. Nobody enjoyed the smell.

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