"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Friday 19 November 2010

Bright and early.

I get up at 8, (which was an hour late) so I rush, skip breakfast and leave for Belfast at 8:30. Like the hard working and mostly punctual student I am. Then I come across a flooded road, my brain says "Yeah, you can do it." and my car ends up stuck in 2ft of ice cold water.

Now I'm normally a pessimist, but on the upside I didn't have to sit in rush hour, got a day off and to be honest towing it home was kinda fun. Now we let it dry out and see if it'll start tomorrow I guess otherwise I'll be stuck with public transport for a while.

I do carry my camera everywhere so why not snap a few pics. I was already wet so why not walk around in it get some different angels

After waiting 30 minutes the Road Service came round left this nice sign and went on thier merry way. This is nobodies fault but mine, but if that sign was there earlier, wouldn't have happened...

Plus roughly 10 years ago my father did the same thing in exactly the same place. (I wasn't there at the time.) and if my car wasn't there 4 other cars would have tried. So in a way I saved them the trouble, right?

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