"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Saturday 6 November 2010


I had big plans for today,important plans. Not really but I was going to get some work done, there's lots of work building up and if I don't do something soon the last 2 weeks of the semester arn't going to be any fun at all. No time for Christmas joy if I'm writing lies about art.

But instead of this work I did nothing, cleaned the garage, well it was more of a rearangement of boxes but atleast now I can use my wieghts again.

And now for something art related; I was bored last night and had a spare canvas lying around so I thought I'd try something inspired by a piece I saw on the wall of a Papa Johns Pizza in Bethlehem PA (Summer). It was quick and experimental but here it is:

Must stop being lazy, but for this evening Matthew and Alan are coming round to play games, something that hasn't happened for a few months.

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