"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Sunday 7 November 2010

Saturday Night

Last night this guy Alan and a chap named Matthew appeared from the darkness to do some LAN gaming. now we've never been the most organised bunch and had no idea what we were going to be doing so we spent 3 hours trying to find a game to play. so we amused ourselves through other means.

Some Richard Simmons:

Then we arrived at the choice of the 2002 classic Warcraft III:

yeeeesss isn't it glorious.

Matthew and our nurishment:

Alan having a thrilling time with his E-11 Blaster:

Then they left at 2am. I went to bed and hard a most difficult time to wake up for 9:30am to set up tables and whatnot, which I ended up not doing but drove in and out of town anyway.

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