"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Tuesday 14 December 2010


Stuff that has happened:

-3D Soft was garbage, it bored me, I was uninspired by the subject, I wasn't there half the time and I did no research at all. Despite this I passed, meaning I have passed every module so far, that's pretty nice.

-It snowed loads, which is nice for a day but then it's gotta stick around and make doing anything miserable.

-Off for Christmas vacation now which has so far been uneventful but, eh whata ya do, sit around and watch Married with Childred all day.

-Today after almost a month of sitting in the driveway being useless, with teh help of good sir Ian my car started once more now it's away getting all spruced up so I can have it back intime for it to snow again on Thursday.

Now I just have some artist nonsense and a sketchbook to finish by January.

Friday 26 November 2010

I Passed

Today I went in for feedback of my painting work. And despite not doing any research I passed. I "have alot more to say with my paintings." which could mean alot of things really. Then I was asked about choosing disciplines, and really I have no idea, I've enjoyed everything so far, maybe viscom is a little boring but it's hard to say. Maybe I'll know more by Christmas vacation.

So here's my work all displayed and nice.

                Brendan's fail display.                                     Claire.                       

Christina.                                               Nicola.

Jane.                                                 Niamh.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Stuff what I done painted.

My work from Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday I managed to paint with no white paint, I think I did alot more people-watching than actual painting today. Not really sure if I like these or not, other people do, maybe? I've been headphoned all day so I can't really hear what people say.

The idea is I have a limited colour palette. As for the subject its supposed to be people who have been injured in the middle east. Then tomorrow I make them sci-fi and hopefully cool and good. Create a final piece and then display my 15+ pieces is a rather small space.

During my boredom on Monday I recieved a phonecall from this fellow named Jonny who needed to spray paint stuff, I having the power to do so gave him permission to do it n our floor and so we spraypainted 30ish balloons. Nobody enjoyed the smell.

Sunday 21 November 2010


So here's my work from this weekend, was going to paint them, but since I will be in from 9 to 5 everyday for the next few weeks I didnt think I needed to rush. These men all have shrunken hands, I'll buff that out with paint.

Luckily these random drawings have inspired me, I've got a few ideas floating around my head as to what I could to for Thursday's deadline.

And this will go into my personal sketchbook. In order to have 3 finished by december one of them is going to have to be solely photography.

Friday 19 November 2010

Bright and early.

I get up at 8, (which was an hour late) so I rush, skip breakfast and leave for Belfast at 8:30. Like the hard working and mostly punctual student I am. Then I come across a flooded road, my brain says "Yeah, you can do it." and my car ends up stuck in 2ft of ice cold water.

Now I'm normally a pessimist, but on the upside I didn't have to sit in rush hour, got a day off and to be honest towing it home was kinda fun. Now we let it dry out and see if it'll start tomorrow I guess otherwise I'll be stuck with public transport for a while.

I do carry my camera everywhere so why not snap a few pics. I was already wet so why not walk around in it get some different angels

After waiting 30 minutes the Road Service came round left this nice sign and went on thier merry way. This is nobodies fault but mine, but if that sign was there earlier, wouldn't have happened...

Plus roughly 10 years ago my father did the same thing in exactly the same place. (I wasn't there at the time.) and if my car wasn't there 4 other cars would have tried. So in a way I saved them the trouble, right?

Thursday 18 November 2010

Some More Paint.

Tuesday and Thursdays work, and some belonging to other people at the bottom.

This one I call 'Men Hugging'

For some reason being the only one there on Tuesday I thought I'd clean the studio.

And my picture of two men became one man with a robot claw arm.

More of Brendans work, guy sure likes his troubles.

Jane's work:

Niamh's work:

Monday 15 November 2010


Today we started our paint workshop, which wasn't what I expected. We drew around ourselves, then we developed that and started painting...stuff. This is my work from today:

Now it was supposed to mean something to us. Does it mean anything to me? not really.

This is Brendon's work, pretty awesome:

Parachute man:

Our hallway, cause people like to look at hallways right?


Here's a thought I heard today and agree with.
"You got an issue as a guy that's dancing for more than 20 seconds." - Mike David
Now you may not know but I don't dance.

Sunday 14 November 2010


So it was the weekend, which means my friends come home from where they spend their weeks, which means they relax, spend time with thier families, or in the case of Alan and Matthew come here and do nothing remotly exciting but sometimes it's enjoyable.
This is one part of living at home that sucks, I can't do anything during the week cause I live so far away, ain't that far but it sure isn't convinient. Then there's nothing to do and/or people don't want to do anything at the weekend.

It was really foggy today which is cool, however that means I will probably have to scrape frost off of my car tomorrow morning. This afternoon I lifted my trusty camera and wandered off into the fields with Rodger (our dog) and took some photographs. 

Like this one:

This is our pool, it's green now, pretty gross. But at least during winter when it freezes you can tempt fate by standing on it, that's fun.

I've lived pretty much the same way for the past 3 and a half years, nothing has changed, nothing is new, going to university hasn't altered anything. I've entered my 19th year on planet Earth and it's quite simply become boring. Maybe I'll go back to exercising alot and being mean and sarcastic all the time, those were the days.

Whatever the case more exercise couldn't hurt, now that I got these fellas out again I can spend some time in my freezing garage and lift hunks of metal with my arms.

Didn't do anything creative this weekend, need to fix that, no excuses.

Friday 12 November 2010


Not much to be said today so how's about some pictures from the past two weeks, 4 of them.

Mac lab!

Then there was a bicycle in a studio:

And I filled up my car, a tank was just less than £40 when I started learning to drive and now look. You of course must make it a round number, no room for pennies here.

And when I'm bored I like to burn matches, tis a good habit to have I think.

I sure hope this weekend is fun and if it is also productive that'd be good too. but we shall see.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

More fish?

Thankfully after today I am done with fish. Assessment is tomorrow, got my work finished today after a lecture on textiles, mhmm, set my work up all nice and pretty then went home, now I have a nice thursday off. Gonna try to get rid of this cold, get back to my sketchbook and write up some gallery visits.

So here's what I did today:

And the final outcome:

Some how those fit into the theme of still life/object/real life, or maybe they don't, nobody told me and I will infact fail this module. that'd sure be a good time.