"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Tuesday 14 December 2010


Stuff that has happened:

-3D Soft was garbage, it bored me, I was uninspired by the subject, I wasn't there half the time and I did no research at all. Despite this I passed, meaning I have passed every module so far, that's pretty nice.

-It snowed loads, which is nice for a day but then it's gotta stick around and make doing anything miserable.

-Off for Christmas vacation now which has so far been uneventful but, eh whata ya do, sit around and watch Married with Childred all day.

-Today after almost a month of sitting in the driveway being useless, with teh help of good sir Ian my car started once more now it's away getting all spruced up so I can have it back intime for it to snow again on Thursday.

Now I just have some artist nonsense and a sketchbook to finish by January.

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