"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Monday 7 March 2011

Well then...

Today was a crumby day, my incredable lack of communication skills ment my photography was not good enough and unlike Magicka I can't just make everyone explode with my magicks...

So somehow at art college if my photographs do not have a meaning behind them, they are unacceptable, they must have meaning! They can't just look great and that be the end of it. but if it's a terrible picture of a rock and I say this is the rock I cut my knee on and I have the scar to prove it, well that's just the best ever.

Also apparently the internet is evil, I must gain all my knowledge from the library, which is almost impossible if I don't know exactly what I'm looking for in the first place. Where do I learnt that? THE INTERNET!

This is a large silver ball that has water flowing out of it, at night. 
It has nothing to do with anything, I just felt I needed a picture.

So I have decided that if the degree course is like this and to my understanding it is, I shall not be there next year. I'm not going to spend that amount of money that I don't have anyway to do something I don't enjoy. So depending on how this lens based workshop is, this year may be the last of my academic career.

But who knows what the future holds.

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