"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Wednesday 23 March 2011

"One art please."

Things are more positive now, it helps when you talk to the people who know things in university. Ended up talking to a whole bunch of 'em yesturday so now my application for next year has been changed from photography to Fine art (PVST or whatever it's called)

I did feel very creepy taking pictures of these people working, you walk around a bar with a camera, people look at you as if you've thrown a puppy into a volcano...

That, is art.

I was supposed to do this on Tuesday but instead we played Black Ops all day (I'm very bad at console fps, my reaction time is terrible give me a mouse any day), I made Nathan angry by deleting his pizza order instead of picking my own. Alan started to seem fed up with us so Jonny and I took off into the city to retrieve his bicycle, of course he decided to sit in my passenger seat wearing a creepy mask, as one does.

And it's only 2 weeks from today until I'm pretty much off. The weather today was beautiful.

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