"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Sunday 20 February 2011

A Fork in the Road.

So the past month was our discipline experience, for me, 2 weeks of photography and 2 weeks of painting.

Photography was 35mm colour film, I used this hunk of metal which my dad bought when he was 16.

For the first time since coming to university I felt like I was getting an education, I learnt things.
My project was basically to document my study, the room I spend most of my time in. I ended up with 50+ pictures to choose from (I needed 8-10)

I passed this. and John said he'd be "delighted to see me back for consolidation."

Then there was painting, something I enjoy and find to satisfy my creative needs, however these 2 weeks did not. we started with charcoal drawings then moved into black and white paintings.

Now we had two tutors, who both told me to do completely different things. one telling me to set up a still life and paint it... the other telling me to hang stuff from the ceiling and pile sand on it. so my work which I believe was supposed to seem somewhat linear, each painting drawing inspiration from the previous, was just a bunch of random pieces of a standard which could have been higher.

To demonstrate the difference between tutors:



So overall I didn't enjoy painting as much as I thought I would. Also I went home everyday with the most incredible neck pain.

Tomorrow I decide which of the two I will be doing for 6 week consolidation and then what degree course I will be doing for the next 3 years.

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