"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Saturday 15 January 2011

Stuck In Here

Not an incredably positive post.

So on Wednesday I picked my disciplines and those are Photography and Painting. It seems that my studies advisor wants me to do photography, is that where I though I'd end up? no, not at all. I in no way think I'm great at it but I guess it was one of my stronger areas of work.

So this is my work since september all nice and ready for the public to look at and whatnot:

It's sad but true, I could have done more and of a better standard, there's no reason why I didn't it's not like I have anything else to do instead. but that's the way it's always been with me, hopefully that'll change.

For the past 6 weeks pretty much I have sat in this room, in that time other than my family I have seen Matthew 3 times. I only see Alan in college, I havn't seen Chris since October, why? no reason at all. Jonny lives way out in the woods (There are no woods but I like to say that) and I've made no new friends this year. Something needs to happen, I'm stuck in my own little world, in which I'm generally pretty unhappy. Maybe when I get some work to do again, I'm out of the house 5 days a week, the weather gets better I'll start to enjoy myself.

Hopefully soon I'll reignite my true passion, film making. several thing holding my back on that at the moment, a lack of ideas, people willing to help out, editing software and memory cards. but soon...

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