"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Wednesday 23 March 2011

"One art please."

Things are more positive now, it helps when you talk to the people who know things in university. Ended up talking to a whole bunch of 'em yesturday so now my application for next year has been changed from photography to Fine art (PVST or whatever it's called)

I did feel very creepy taking pictures of these people working, you walk around a bar with a camera, people look at you as if you've thrown a puppy into a volcano...

That, is art.

I was supposed to do this on Tuesday but instead we played Black Ops all day (I'm very bad at console fps, my reaction time is terrible give me a mouse any day), I made Nathan angry by deleting his pizza order instead of picking my own. Alan started to seem fed up with us so Jonny and I took off into the city to retrieve his bicycle, of course he decided to sit in my passenger seat wearing a creepy mask, as one does.

And it's only 2 weeks from today until I'm pretty much off. The weather today was beautiful.

Monday 14 March 2011

3 weeks

This is me in my minecraft boat... April 6th and I have no more work to do! well apart from some essay.

Monday 7 March 2011

Well then...

Today was a crumby day, my incredable lack of communication skills ment my photography was not good enough and unlike Magicka I can't just make everyone explode with my magicks...

So somehow at art college if my photographs do not have a meaning behind them, they are unacceptable, they must have meaning! They can't just look great and that be the end of it. but if it's a terrible picture of a rock and I say this is the rock I cut my knee on and I have the scar to prove it, well that's just the best ever.

Also apparently the internet is evil, I must gain all my knowledge from the library, which is almost impossible if I don't know exactly what I'm looking for in the first place. Where do I learnt that? THE INTERNET!

This is a large silver ball that has water flowing out of it, at night. 
It has nothing to do with anything, I just felt I needed a picture.

So I have decided that if the degree course is like this and to my understanding it is, I shall not be there next year. I'm not going to spend that amount of money that I don't have anyway to do something I don't enjoy. So depending on how this lens based workshop is, this year may be the last of my academic career.

But who knows what the future holds.