"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Monday 12 December 2011


The North Pole, becoming an installation.

It snowed last week.

Mah bucket is spreading.

Friday 2 December 2011

Picture Post

Yay charcoal
 The studio on a Friday night

And some of the city at night, bein' all festive and whatnot.

Monday 28 November 2011

The Day I Tried to Live

An Updated picture of my corner
I haven't really done a lot recently, pretty much took a month off. What with working as an extra(Game of Thrones), on a production crew for a photo shoot and just bein' plain ol' lazy my work hasn't developed that much. Though I did learn that I in no way want to make hand drawn animations. I have developed a fondness for drawing ink. I'm trying to steer my work back to something I enjoy.

A few photos of my newest ideas book, lots of illegible scribbles and silly drawings.

This sculpture, thing I have created and added to over the weeks I have titled 'bucket'. I'm not sure what to make of it, I think it looks cool, but not more than that. I could say it's a statement about the environment, but I don't really care about the environment...

Jonny eats cold soup from the can while we cook bacon.
My office.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Sketchbook Update

Some sketchs, some ideas and some nonsense:

 Some pinhole photography stuff, only had a few workshops but I like. Certainly something I'll continue with.

Friday 14 October 2011


Week 3 has ended, I feel like I'm learning stuff, or at least being exposed to new art and artists. I'm beginning to get an idea of the art I want to create, only problem is that I'm not sure how to go about making it.

This is quite literally Adam's Corner

Performance art... I just don't understand. That's a goal for this year; to understand this thing which is currently just nuts. So below are my tutors playing with a chain and rolling around on the floor wrapped in tissue paper.

The idea of this year as I understand it is to experiment with different types of art so I've been doing that as well. So I hung a bucket from the ceiling, stuck some toothpicks in some foam and then projected slides onto it.

The rest of our studio