"The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art. They forge their creativity closer to the heart"

Monday 28 November 2011

The Day I Tried to Live

An Updated picture of my corner
I haven't really done a lot recently, pretty much took a month off. What with working as an extra(Game of Thrones), on a production crew for a photo shoot and just bein' plain ol' lazy my work hasn't developed that much. Though I did learn that I in no way want to make hand drawn animations. I have developed a fondness for drawing ink. I'm trying to steer my work back to something I enjoy.

A few photos of my newest ideas book, lots of illegible scribbles and silly drawings.

This sculpture, thing I have created and added to over the weeks I have titled 'bucket'. I'm not sure what to make of it, I think it looks cool, but not more than that. I could say it's a statement about the environment, but I don't really care about the environment...

Jonny eats cold soup from the can while we cook bacon.
My office.